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GBT6909-2008炉用水和冷却水分析方法 硬度的测定.pdf.pdf

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GBT6909-2008炉用水和冷却水分析方法 硬度的测定.pdf.pdf

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GBT6909-2008炉用水和冷却水分析方法 硬度的测定.pdf.pdf


文档介绍:, ( ), 1–16 (2003) Extension of Dale’s Moment Conditions with Application to the Wright-Fisher Model * Kurt Helmes 1and Richard H. Stockbridge 2 Abstract Dale’s necessary and su?cient conditions for an ar- ray to contain the joint moments for some probability distribution on the unit simplex in R 2are extended to the unit simplex in R d. These conditions are then used in putational method, based on linear programming, to evaluate the stationary distribution for the di?usion approximation of the Wright-Fisher model in popula- tion ics. putational method uses a char- acterization of the di?usion through an adjoint relation between the di?usion operator and its stationary distri- bution. Application of this adjoint relation to a set of functions in the domain of the generator leads to one set of constraints for the linear program involving the mo- ments of the stationary distribution. The extension of Dale’s conditions on the moments add another set of lin- *This research is partially supp orted by NSF unde r grant DMS 9803490. 1Institute for Operations Research, Humboldt University of Berlin, Berlin, Ger- many 2Department of Mathematical Sciences, University of Wisconsin Milwaukee, Mil- waukee, Wisconsin and Department of Statistics, University of Kentucky, Lex- ington, Kentucky 1 Copyright ?2000 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. Helmes and Stockbridge ear conditions and the linear prog


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