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文档介绍:I. Match the words in column A with the definitions in column B.(请将A栏的单词和B栏的意思配对)
Column A Column B
( )1. hush A. shine light on
( )2. illumine B. reduce or stop the sound of
( )3. trail C. form or bend into a loop
( )4. loop D. be or become silent
( )5. mute E. sit or fall down heavily
( )6. dissolve F. extend over a surface
( )7. slump G. extraordinary; very attractive or impressive
( )8. spectacular H. fade away or disappear
( )1. span A. maintaining or being maintained
( )2. hike B. to the point; related (followed by to)
( )3. maintenance C. not easily seen or understood; not well-known
( )4. contend D. sudden increase or growth
( )5. pertinent E. extend across in space or time
( )6. obscure F. happen again or repeatedly
( )7. boom G. go for a long walk
( )8. recur H. struggle or compete
( )1. decrease A. a thing that is in the way of sb/ sth
( )2. promoter B. a death caused by accident or in war.
( )3. lucrative C. become or make sth smaller or fewer
( )4. manufacture D. supporter of sth
( )5. rotate E. group together
( )6. bunch F. make (goods) on a large scale using machinery
( )7. fatality G. move or make (sth.) move in circles around a central point
( )8. obstruction H. producing much money; profitable
( )1. courteous A. question to decide if sb. is right for a job
( )2. deadline B. question intensely; cook under or over direct heat
( )3. employment C. to look into private facts about a person
( )4. interview D. polite and respectful, well-mannered
( )5. blurt E. an occupation, esp. regular paid work
( )6. endeavor F. utter abruptly and thoughtlessly
( )7. pry G. a time limit by which sth. must be done
( )8. grill H. an


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