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上传人:文库旗舰店 2020/11/27 文件大小:58 KB





一 单项选择题
1. There has been a heated controversy over the new traffic _____ forbidding automobiles in downtown during the daytime.
( 分)
a regulations
b laws
c alerts
d bans
2. It is pleasant to see that the whole community has participated in this environmental action with great _____.
( 分)
a vision
b vigor
c vow
d validity
3. Human cloning has been the most controversial _____ in life sciences this year.
( 分)
a problem
b trouble
c question
d issue
4. It's no use _____ wit him. You might as well argue with a stone wall.
( 分)
a to argue
b of arguing
c in arguing
d arguing
5. Those high school students _____ to computer games will usually lose interest in their studies.
( 分)
a absorbed
b approached
c adapted
d addicted
6. The chemical works that has _____ the fertile fields faces billions of dollars in fines.
( 分)
a injured
b rotted
c upset
d spoiled
7. The two most common _____ in making a cake are flour and sugar.
( 分)
a factors
b components
c ingredients
d elements
8. For the health of babies, breastfeeding is far superior _____ bottle-feeding.
( 分)
a beyond
b to
c than
d versus
9. "Do you want to see my ID card or student card?" "Oh, _____."
( 分)
a either one will do
b either one does well
c each one is good
d each will be fine
10. In summer I like to go to the seaside. It _____ good to lie on the beach or swim in the cool sea.
( 分)
a makes
b does
c gets
d feels
11. The number of people invited to the party _____ two hundred, but a number of them _____ absent for various reasons.
( 分)
a were … were
b were … was
c was … was
d was … were
12. The clothes a person wears may express his _____ or social position.
( 分)
a significance
b state
c determination
d status
13. The visitors were amazed to see so many _____ and precious treasures in


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