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文档介绍:河北工业大学硕士学位论文 i 商业房地产开发项目风险及评估摘要 随着房地产项目规模的日趋扩大及技术工艺复杂性的提高,各类风险也明显日益增多, 项目所面临的风险己经成为引人注目的问题。房地产业是一种高风险行业,不确定性伴随其始终,这些不确定因素对房地产投资的成败起着决定性作用。因此对房地产投资风险管理的研究己成为保证房地产业健康发展的重大课题。 本文首先对房地产的投资决策、土地获取、项目建设、经营管理四个阶段存在的风险进行了识别,其次,本文提出了房地产投资风险综合评价指标体系,利用综合评价方法对投资项目的风险进行综合评价,再次,基于对风险的识别、项目评估,从企业(微观)和政府(宏观) 角度提出了风险控制的对策,加强投资风险管理,从而使管理者了解到房地产全过程中风险情况,使其决策更为科学。 关键词: 房地产投资风险,开发项目评估,风险控制 商业房地产开发项目风险及评估ⅱ RESEARCH ON RISK AND EVALUATION MERCE REAL ESTATE DEVELOPMENT PROJECT ABSTRACT With the increasing extension of real estate de velopment project scale and the increase of the technological plexity, risk of all kind s e more and more important. The risk of real estate development project faced has deserved more and more people's attention. All the distinctive features decide that the real estate In dustry is a high risky Industry along with instability. These unstable factors play a key role in the r eal estate investment. S o, how to research the investment risk of real estate systematically is an important task to ensure real estate's developing healthily. This article first to the real estate investment decisi on-making, the land gain,the project construction, the management and operation four st age existence risk has carried on the recognition; Next, propose the real estate i nvestment risk quality synthetic evaluation target system, the use fuzzy quality synthetic evalua tion method carries on the quality synthetic evaluation to the investment plan risk; based on to the risk recognition, the projec t evaluation, microscopic and the government macroscopic angle proposed from the enterprise control countermeasure, the enhancement investment risk management, the administrator with a chance to wholly understand the situation of risk existing in the proj ect and make the decision more scientific. KEY WORDS: real estate development project ri sk, project evaluation, risk control ?К??????????????????????Ч?????????М?????????????????????????????????Ч????????????


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