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上传人:mkjafow 2020/12/1 文件大小:31 KB





  80 after most of the greenhouse is the growth of flowers, I am a typical example of a military training at the beginning of the feeling is particularly suited to the training is tired and painful soak in their sweat all day, doneEverything should obey orders, not arbitrary, in front of a week of training are so I feel very irritable. Fortunately, the fine tradition of the Chinese people refused to admit defeat I have been adhering to the down, in the most tired moments did not relax on their own requirements, care when the hand and shoulder pressure was sore, I still adhere to, Junzi, and actively hone their own will quality. Later, more sweat, to adapt, and do not feel tired. But also from the militarys simple hard experience of the excellent quality, from which to find fun.
  Military training let me know how to do a qualified military is not easy, the military to pay more than we can not imagine the sweat, to be a soldier, we must discipline, obey orders. I am in military uniform is half of the military, through strict military training in their own requirements, my physique and will have been honed even stronger, this kind of bitter and tired I may never meet again, but may Will encounter even more tired of the challenges. I believe that after the military training I will not fear any hardships, I will be brave to face all challenges, no matter


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