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上传人:文库旗舰店 2020/12/2 文件大小:57 KB





文档介绍:Revolutionary regime versus Conservative regime
Throughout Chinese history, barbarians who lived outside the border was always seen as backward and uncivilized, their potential had been overlooked by the one who was in power, and Qianglong was not an exception. Qianlong had shown arrogant attitudes towards British embassy which impressed embassy and implied Qing's vulnerability. Even though British embassy Viscount Macartney was been rejected by Qianlong emperor due to his underestimating and traditional view, Britain had not rushed to exhibit ambition to China and were not ready for the war. After a half century, the tonality of Qing court changed, and British were dare to ignore the Chinese jurisdiction of trade, because Britain had gained advantages over its industrial development. Unfortunately, Britain's contemporary foes were still remained unawakened and stuck with their Confucian view of the world. Finally, the time had come to open the door of China and to assert barbarian's rights in China. Qing's mandate of heaven were fading, Qing had loss the race with Britain, and paid its heavy price, because the imperial court of China was conservatism, and unwilling to discard the heritage of old sage.
There are multiple factors which confused Qianlong who took the action to scorn British and to presume that Britain was nothing but a savage island located in remote sea