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云环境下超启发式能耗感知调度算法 优先出版.pdf

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云环境下超启发式能耗感知调度算法 优先出版.pdf

上传人:tianebandeyazi 2016/4/25 文件大小:0 KB


云环境下超启发式能耗感知调度算法 优先出版.pdf



文档介绍:Computer Engineering and Applications 计算机工程与应用 2016 ,52 ( 2 ) 1 引言随着云计算的发展,数据中心规模不断扩大,高能源消耗已成为日益严重和备受关注的问题,高能耗问题不仅造成大量的能源浪费和环境污染,还影响云计算系云环境下超启发式能耗感知调度算法陈少淼 1 ,李智勇 1 , 杨波 1 , 2 ,李彦武 3 CHEN Shaomiao 1, LI Zhiyong 1, YANG Bo 1 , 2, LI Yanwu 3 1 .湖南大学信息科学与工程学院,长沙 410082 2 .湖南财政经济学院信息管理系,长沙 410205 3 .国家电网湖南省电力公司信息通信公司,长沙 410007 of Information Science and Engineering, Hunan University, Changsha 410082 , China of Information and Management, Hunan University of Finance and Economics, Changsha 410205 , China Grid Electric pany in Hunan Province pany, Changsha 410007 , China CHEN Shaomiao, LI Zhiyong, YANG Bo, et al. Hyper-heuristic energy-aware scheduling algorithm on - putation system. Computer Engineering and Applications, 2016 ,52 ( 2): 74 -80 . Abstract :The research of energy-aware scheduling is essential to the sustainable development of puting data center. The energy-aware scheduling is NP-Hard multi-objective problem. Most of task scheduling algorithms currently less take the energy consumption into account, and can ’t manage the energy consumption flexibly. Stochastic search is a feasible method, however, this method has putation overhead and the convergence speed is slow usually. In this paper, the energy-aware scheduling problem is treated as a constraint problem on heterogeneous puting sys - tems, . performance constrained energy opti