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文档介绍:电子产品制造业中小型生产空间消防系统设计摘要为了解决电子科技洁净厂房或存储空间内发生火灾时因建筑物内本质消防安全系统不合理或者存在漏洞、应急灭火不及时, 给企业造成生命财产的重大损失问题。综合考虑洁净厂房设备昂贵,科技元素高,火灾扑灭难度大,一般探测器,自动灭火设备不能有效灭火等因素运用调查法、文献资料法,计算法, 几何作图法, 参考《建筑设计防火规范规范》、《火灾自动报警系统设计规范》等法律法规要求,进行科学经济的、安全系数更高的消防系统设计,确保生产间内该系统能够控制火灾灾情扩大蔓延达到及时高效完全扑灭的目的。本设计主要以洁净室内火灾自动报警系统、自动灭火系统,联动控制系统三个方面,对于总消防系统做出设计。关键词: 洁净室空气采样式感烟探测器高压细水雾自动灭火装置水力管径计算系统布置。 Fire System Design for S mall and M edium S ized Electronic P roducts M anufacturing S pace ABSTRACT In order to solve the electronic technology clean plant or storage space within the building fire occurs due to the nature of fire safety system sun reasonable or loopholes, emergency fire-fighting is not timely, to the enterprise caused significant loss of life and property issues. Considering clean plant equipment is expensive, high-technology elements, fire suppression difficult, general detectors,automatic fire extinguishing equipment and other factors can not be effectively applied investigation, literature, calculation, geometry mapping method, refer to the "Building Fire specifications Specification "," automatic fire alarm system design "and other laws and regulations, scientific economy, higher safety factor for fire system design, to ensure the production space of the system is able to control the spread of fire disaster to expand to achieve the purpose of timely and pletely extinguished . This design mainly in the clean room automatic fire alarm system, automatic fire extinguishing system, linkage control system three aspects make the total fire protection system design. Key words: Clean rooms A ir sampling smoke detector H igh-pressure water mist fire extinguishing equipment H ydraulic diameter calculation S ystem layout 目录第一章概论............................................................................................................... 1 研究现状........................................................................................................................... 1 洁净厂房的基本特点..........................


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