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文档介绍:An essay on European culture
The Outline of the History


[Abstract] After reading the book The Outline of the History written by Wells, I have learnt the general history of the world. The author’s point of that the world could be only saved by education rather than wars impressed me deeply. This article mainly talks about my comments about the importance of education to a country and the unity of thought to a nation.

[Key words] history, unify, education.
Ⅰ. Introduction to the author
H. G. Wells (1866—1946) was a famous English novelist, especially well-known throughout the world as a writer of science fiction. He is one of the most prolific writers in modern time, whose works involves almost every field including science, literature, history, society and politics. His famous works are The Time Machine (1895), The Invisible Man(1897),The War of the World (1898) ,The First Man in the Moon (1901), etc.
Ⅱ. Introduction to the book
The book was published in 1920. It is mean to be read straightforwardly for ordinary people to understand that it is inevitable that political, social and economic organization would develop into worldwide alliance if expecting civilization to last. And one of the topics is to illustrate that the world could be saved only through education rather than war and revolution.
It is a concise edition for all the history enthusiasts with extremely wide field of vision and a light touch to show the readers biological and human history from the beginning of life in an orderly way.
There is no doubt that it is a popular historical book with special attraction and value. It is not so serious and scholarly like other outstanding historical works. What’s more,
it’s earlier than any other work in that era to get rid of nationalism and the Eurocentric prejudice. The book is concerned with human cultural heritage, including ideology, culture, religion which is of great value


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