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汽车变速器 毕业论文.doc

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汽车变速器 毕业论文.doc



文档介绍:FuYang Vocational Ang Technical Collge 毕业论文专业: 班级学号: 学生姓名: 指导教师: 二〇一一年十月学校汽车变速器 English title 摘要变速器,用于转变发动机曲轴的转矩及转速,以适应汽车在起步、加速、行驶以及克服各种道路阻碍等不同行驶条件下对驱动车轮牵引力及车速不同要求的需要。汽车变速器,是一套用于来协调发动机的转速和车轮的实际行驶速度的变速装置,用于发挥发动机的最佳性能。变速器可以在汽车行驶过程中,在发动机和车轮之间产生不同的变速比,通过换挡可以使发动机工作在其最佳的动力性能状态下。变速器的发展趋势是越来越复杂,自动化程度也越来越高,自动变速器将是未来的主流。变速器可以在汽车行驶过程中,在发动机和车轮之间产生不同的变速比,通过换挡可以使发动机工作在其最佳的动力性能状态下。学校关键词: 变速器;结构;组成;原理学校 ABSTRACT Transmission, used to change the torque and speed of the engine crankshaft, in order to adapt to the car at the start, acceleration, road traffic and to e the obstacle of different driving conditions and speed of the drive wheel traction requirements of the different needs. Automobile transmission, is used to coordinate the speed of the engine and the wheels of the actual speed of the transmission device, used to play the best performance of engine. The transmission can be in the running process of the automobile, the engine between the wheel and produce different transmission ratio, by shifting can make the engine work in the best state of dynamic performance. The transmission is the development trend of plex, increasingly high degree of automation, automatic transmission will be the mainstream of future. The transmission can be in the running process of the automobile, the engine between the wheel and produce different transmission ratio, by shifting can make the engine work in the best state of dynamic performance. Key Words :Transmission; structure; ponent; 学校目录前言........................................................................................................................................... 5 2汽车变速器结构特点................................................................................................................. 6 良好的行驶性能。.......................................................................................................... 6 操纵简单。......................................................................................................................