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2018 2019学年高中英语Module5CloningSectionⅠReading(Introduction.doc

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2018 2019学年高中英语Module5CloningSectionⅠReading(Introduction.doc

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2018 2019学年高中英语Module5CloningSectionⅠReading(Introduction.doc



文档介绍:Section Ⅰ Reading(Introduction & Reading)
fecundity n.生育能力
Some animals that have been cloned
Cloning has always been with us and is here to stay. Scientists have been effectively cloning animals since the early 1960s. An Asian carp was cloned successfully in 1963. Dolly saw the light of day in 1997. She lived until the age of six. The first cloned mammal, Dolly is considered to be a great success. Later, several hundred other Dollies were cloned. However, it lived for only 6 years, half the length of the life of the original sheep. Cloned in Hawaii in 2000, the first successful mouse clone was born. She lived until the ripe old age of two years and seven months, a victory for her researchers. Cloned in Japan in 1998, the cows paved the way for other clones designed to produce better meat and milk. In 2000, the successful cloning of Ombretta the Mouflon, an endangered animal, proved how cloning could rescue a species from the brink of extinction. The monkey and the pig also received their first clone separately in 2000. In the next two years, scientists cloned rabbits, cats and rats. Mules are mule was cloned in 2003. It is the first animal which lacks fecundity to be cloned.
Though cloning is controversial, nothing can hold back the development of technology.
Ⅰ.Match the word with its meaning.
1.terrify       A.追逐,追赶,追踪
2.chase B.害怕,恐惧
3.disgust C.呼吸
4.emotion D.使惊恐,使受惊吓
5.murder E.拒绝
6.refuse F.对照
7.breathe G.谋杀
8.contrast H.冲,猛冲
9.rush I.使觉得恶心;使厌烦
10.fear J.感情;情绪
答案:1~5 DAIJG 6~10 ECFHB
Ⅱ.Write down the meaning of phrases in each sentence.
1.The cold weather contrasts with last week’s heat. 与……形成对照
2.I was struck with amazement as I saw the great ship for the first time. 第一次
3.Teachers, like a candle, burn out themselves to give light to others. 燃尽,烧完自灭
4.She wanted to cry out, but she


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