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文档介绍:25 个选择题共 50 分,两个简答题 30 分,两个计算题 20分张老师说:选择题要理解为什么,否则不一定能够做对下面是第一章到第五章的选择题及答案余下答案: acb Interdependence: 互相依赖 international:. 国际的 microeconomic: 微观经济 interregional: 地区间的 Choice questions 1 Ricardo explained the law parative advantage on the basis of( A) A the labor theory of value B the opportunity cost theory C the law of diminishing returns: 边际报酬递减定律 D all of the above 2. If with one hour of labor time nation A can produce either 3X or 3Y while nation B can produce either 1X or 3Y (and labor is the only input 投入), the range of mutually 互相的 beneficial trade between nation A and B is: (C) A. 3Y<3X<5Y B. 5Y<3X<9Y C. 3Y<3X<9Y D. 1Y<3X<3Y 3. modity 商品 in which the nation has the smallest absolute disadvantage is modity of its (D ). A. absolute disadvantage B. absolute advantage C. comparative disadvantage D. comparative advantage 4. If ina two-nation (A and B), modity (X and Y) world, it is established that nation A has parative advantage modity X, then nation B must have: (D) A an absolute advantage modity Y B an absolute disadvantage modity Y parative disadvantage modity Y parative advantage modity Y 5. If domestically 国内的 3X=3Y in nation A, while 1X=1Y domestically in nation B: (D)A there will be no trade between the two nations B the relative price ofX is the same in both nations C the relative price ofY is the same in both nations D all of the above 6. An increase in the dollar price ofa foreign currency 货币 usually ( B) A benefits . importers 进口商 B benefits . Exporters 出口商 C benefits both . importers and . exporters D harms both . importers and . exporters 7. The Mercantilists 重商主义者 did not advocate 提倡( A) A free trade B stimulating the nation ’ s exports stimulate 刺激 C restricting 限制 the nation ’ s imports D the accumulation 积聚 of gold by the nation Slope 倾斜 stepwise 逐步地 equilibrium modity 均衡相对商品 intersection 交叉点余下答案: BACDbd 1. Which of the following statements is true with respect to the MRS ofX for Y? ( D) A. It is given by the absolute slope 斜率