文档介绍:I 2013 届学生毕业论文(设计) 存档编号: 江汉大学文理学院 College of Arts & Science of Jianghan University 毕业论文( 设计) 论文题目独立学院大学生社团参与状况对其主观幸福感的影响(英文) Community College Students of independent college participation influence on subjective well-being. 学院江汉大学文理学院专业应用心理学姓名李奕德学号 200914030104 指导教师李晶晶李俊 2013 年5月 12日 II 独立学院大学生社团参与状况对其主观幸福感的影响摘要大学生已是当今社会的强大生力军,大学生的社团参与状况和大学生的主观幸福已是目前对于大学生的相关研究的两个大课题,具有一定的理论意义和实践意义。本文浅析了大学生的社团参与现状以及大学生的主观幸福感的相关研究,根据本研究相关内容显示,大学生人际关系,社会支持等和大学生的主观幸福感有显著相关。由此推断大学生社团参与状况会对其主观幸福感造成一定的影响。经研究发现,大学生主观幸福感在性别,年级,是否参加社团,参加社团数目, 社团职位高低等维度不会产生显著性差异。但是对社团不同的描述会对不同学生的主观幸福感得分造成一定的差异。研究证明, 不能主观的去描述社团的同学,主观幸福感的得分普遍偏低,这也说明了一些有价值的问题。关键词独立学院大学生; 社团;主观幸福感; 大学生社会支持 III Abstract University students are already strong force in today's society, college students' community p artici p ation and college students subjective well - being is the two big top ic related research university, has certain theoretical and P ractical pur ifica nt. This pap er analyzes the correlation between College Students' community p artici p ation status and the subjective well - being of college students, according to relevant data, inter p ersonal relationshi p, social supp ort and subjective well - being of college students has pur ificant correlation . Thus infer munity p artici p ation and related to subjecti ve well - being . The study found that, in gender, grade of subjective well - being in college students, whether to participate in munity, community club number, position dimensions have no significant difference . But munity different descriptions of different students' subjective well - being scores have certain difference . Research shows, not subjective to describe associations of students, subjective well - being scores is low, which also shows some valuable questions . Key words C ollege students; C ollege students of; Subjective well - being; The social supp ort of College Students IV 目录摘要·················································· ·Ⅰ关键词················································· ·Ⅰ Abs