文档介绍:论文范本第 13 卷第 1期 2010 年2月建筑材料学报 JOURNAL OF BUII DING MATERIALS V0l_13 , Feb ., 2010 文章编号: 1007 — 9629(2010)01 — 0027 — 06 泡沫沥青冷再生混合料抗剪性能的试验研究李秀君( 上海理工大学环境与建筑学院,上海 200093) 摘要: 采用单轴贯入试验, :集料级配在规定范围内时, 泡沫沥青冷再生混合料抗剪强度最高; 加入 1. 5( 质量分数) 的水泥可以使泡沫沥青冷再生混合料抗剪强度提高 5 倍左右; 沥青的发泡效果决定了对应最大抗剪强度的沥青用量, 发泡效果越好, 对应最大抗剪强度的沥青用量越小; 沥青黏度越高,相同沥青含量下泡沫沥青冷再生混合料的抗剪强度就越高;采用 40℃烘箱养生 3d 的试件其抗剪强度与自然养生 10d 的试件相当;温度从 4O℃升至 6O℃,泡沫沥青冷再生混合料抗剪强度则下降一半. 关键词:泡沫沥青;冷再生混合料;抗剪强度;级配;养生中图分类号: U4l6 . 217 文献标志码: A doi : 10. 3969 /j. issn . 1007 — 9629 . 2O10 . 01. 006 Experimental Study on Shearing Properties of Cold_Recycled M ixtures Using Foamed Asphalt LI Xiu-j (School of Environment and Architecture , University of Shanghai for Science& Technology , Shanghai 200093 , China) Abstract : By using uniaxial ration test , shearing strength of cold — recycled mixtures of foamed asphalt (CRM FA)under different conditions was determined . The test result shows that the shearing strength of CRMFA is the highest when the gradation of the mixture is in the specified range .W ith (by mass)of cement , shearing strength of CRMFA is increased 5 times . The asphalt content corresponding to the high — est shearing strength is dependent on the asphalt foam effect . The better the foam effect is, the less the asphalt content can be. The higher the asphalt viscosity is, the higher the shearing strength is. The shearing strength of CRMFA that iS cured in oven of 40℃ for 3d iS equivalent to that cured for 10d under the nat ural environment . The shearing strength under 6O℃ iS about half of that under 4O℃. Key words : foamed asphalt ; cold — recycled m ixtures ; shearing strength ; gradation ; curing 泡沫沥青冷再生混合料(CRMFA) 属于柔性材料范畴,国外对一些沥青稳定基层试验段的调查表明,,沥青面层的车辙量大概占路面总车辙的 9O 以上,,其具有黏弹性特性,在荷载的重复作用下会产生不可恢复的黏性变形,,泡沫沥青再生层上的面层厚度较薄,通常只有 6~ 10 cm ,因此,采用泡沫沥青再生路面,,泡沫沥青再生基层内的最大剪应力比面层内最大剪应力小,但随着基层模量的不断增加, 基层内最大剪应力明显增加,基层内剪应力与面层