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文档介绍:【英语】英语阅读理解(人生百味)专题 1
1.阅读下列短文,从下面每小题的 A、 B、 C、 D 四个选项中选出最佳选项。
It was July 17th of 2017. The little helpless girl, who had trouble walking, was going out into the wide world. In June 2016, I got the idea that I was going to America as an exchange student. With
tears in my eyes, I said goodbye to my family.
After I finally arrived at the airport in Burlington, Vermont. I was welcomed by my host family.
They didn't know much about my disability. “ I hobble a little, but I don't see it as a problem.
think it's the will that decides what you can and cannot do, and the disability doesn't matter!
Before I went to the US, I knew I was going to miss home. But I went! Why? I've been a fighter
ever since I decided not to give up my breath when I was born! My mother wrote my host mom an e-mail and told her about my hard birth so they would understand. I remember clearly after
she finished reading it, she came into the room, gave me a big hug and said,
My host family supported me so much during the year. In school, small notes were sent out to all

“ You are a figh
my teachers, by e-mail, to tell them about my disability. Everything worked greatly.
By the end of my year, exchange students were asked to talk about our years. I spoke in front of
about 100 people! I was extremely proud of my “ speech ”The. following day some teachers
stopped me and said, “ Your speech was the best one. ”
My year in Vermont was the best thing I've done so far! I proved I AM A FIGHTER and that
1) How did the author go to the US?
A. By bus B. By car C. By boat D. By plane
2) What did the writer's mom tell the host mom in the email?
A. The writer's family B. The writer's daily life C. The writer's birth D. The writer's disability
3) How did the writer feel about her speech?
A. Excited B. Sad C. Proud D.


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