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Measurement of the branching fractions for psi(2S)--e+e- and psi(2S)--mu+mu-.pdf

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Measurement of the branching fractions for psi(2S)--e+e- and psi(2S)--mu+mu-.pdf

上传人:luyinyzhi 2016/4/26 文件大小:0 KB


Measurement of the branching fractions for psi(2S)--e+e- and psi(2S)--mu+mu-.pdf



文档介绍:arXiv:hep-ex/0109004v2 9 Jan 2003 B AB AR-PUB-01/13 SLAC-PUB-8953 hep-ex/0109004 Measurement of the branching fractions forψ(2S)→e +e ?andψ(2S)→μ +μ ? TheB AB ARCollaboration B. Aubert, 1D. Boutigny, 1J.-M. Gaillard, 1A. Hicheur, 1Y. Karyotakis, 1J. P. Lees, 1P. Robbe, 1V. Tisserand, 1 A. Palano, 2A. Pompili, 2G. P. Chen, 3J. C. Chen, 3N. D. Qi, 3G. Rong, 3P. Wang, 3Y. S. Zhu, 3G. Eigen, 4 P. L. Reinertsen, 4B. Stugu, 4G. S. Abrams, 5A. W. Borgland, 5A. B. Breon, 5D. N. Brown, 5J. Button-Shafer, 5 R. N. Cahn, 5A. R. Clark, 5M. S. Gill, 5A. V. Gritsan, 5Y. Groysman, 5R. G. Jacobsen, 5R. W. Kadel, 5 J. Kadyk, 5L. T. Kerth, 5Yu. G. Kolomensky, 5J. F. Kral, 5C. LeClerc, 5M. E. Levi, 5T. Liu, 5G. Lynch, 5 P. J. Oddone, 5A. Perazzo, 5M. Pripstein, 5N. A. Roe, 5A. Romosan, 5M. T. Ronan, 5V. G. Shelkov, 5A. V. Telnov, 5 W. A. Wenzel, 5P. G. Bright-Thomas, 6T. J. Harrison, 6C. M. Hawkes, 6D. J. Knowles, 6S. W. O’Neale, 6 R. C. Penny, 6A. T. Watson, 6N. K. Watson, 6T. Deppermann, 7K. Goetzen, 7H. Koch, 7M. Kunze, 7 B. Lewandowski, 7K. Peters, 7H. Schmuecker, 7M. Steinke, 7J. C. Andress, 8N. R. Barlow, 8W. Bhimji, 8 N. Chevalier, 8P. J. Clark, 8W. N. Cottingham, 8N. De Groot, 8N. Dyce, 8B. Foster, 8J. D. McFall, 8D. Wallom, 8 F. F. Wilson, 8K. Abe, 9C. Hearty, 9T. S. Mattison, 9J. A. McKenna, 9D. Thiessen, 9S. Jolly, 10A. K. McKemey, 10 J. Tinslay, 10V. E. Blinov, 11A. D. Bukin, 11D. A.