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文档介绍:黑龙江大学硕士学位论文 Abstract With thecontinuous growth of tradeliberalization,China’S foreign tradehas an increasing impact on world economic and trade development isalso panied by theimprovement ofpeople’S moral awareness and thestrengthening of labor standards,more and more drawn world attention,have e one ofthe three hot topics developed and developing countries have engaged in afiercedebatearound order toget ridof theplight ofthe domestic economic growth and prevent theimpact oftheproducts of developing countries tothe domestic industry,the developed countries made great efforts tolinklaborstandardsand intemational trade.Ⅵ,llilelabor standards are not included intheWTO’S multilateral rules,they were used inregional tradeagreements. Labor standards has e one ofnew trade ,the developing countries arestrongly opposed tothelink because itwillincrease labor costs,which have a tremendous influence on the development of China’S export-oriented labor-intensive thisbackground,the study of international labor standards has notonly theoreticalsignificance butalsopracticalsignificance forChina’S foreign economy and trade. This paper tried to use datatoanalyzethecause,essenceandmeasuresofintemational laborstandardsintradeliberalizationthroughanempiricalperspectiveandanalyzedobjectivel Y itsinfluence on China’Sforeign and itsreality based on thelack of domestic legislative system,lax enforcement and other legalproblems,I putforward countermeasures hopethispapercanprovide useful help anreference to thepractice oflaborstandards inChina. Keywords:trade liberalization;international laborstandards;SA8000. 目录目录中文摘要???????????????????????????????I Abstract?????????????????????????????????????????II 绪论??????????????????????????????????????????1 第一章国际劳工标准概述???????????????????????5 第一节国际劳工标准的起源?????????????????????.5 一、国际劳工标准的历史由来????????????????????5 二、国际劳工标准的法律


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