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第1章 运输和交通运输系统.ppt

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第1章 运输和交通运输系统.ppt

上传人:ranfand 2016/4/27 文件大小:0 KB


第1章 运输和交通运输系统.ppt



文档介绍:1交通运输工程导论交通运输工程导论 Introduction on Transportation Introduction on Transportation Engineering Engineering 2第第一一章章运输和交通运输系统运输和交通运输系统第一节运输的性质和作用第二节交通运输系统的组成和特点第三节我国各种交通运输系统概况第四节城市交通运输系统 3第一节第一节运输的性质和作用运输的性质和作用一、运输对经济发展的影响二、对社会发展的影响三、对政治的影响四、对环境的影响 4第一节第一节运输的性质和作用运输的性质和作用 Transportation Modes ? Road ? Rail ? Air ? Maritime ? Pipeline 5 Transportation is ordinarily defined as a means of conveyance or travel from one place to another. 运输活动是使用各种载运工具,使运输对象实现地理位置上的转移。 Origin Destination Transportation engineering “ hard ” physical sciences “ soft ” or social sciences 6 Transportation Infrastructure Transportation planning Traffic flow Transportation System Analysis and Evaluation Highway Railway Airport Harbor Traffic Control Device Intermodal Management Policy Making (Price, Contract) Control (Intelligent Transportation System) 7 If a transportation facility or service is overdesigned , the result may be a waste of resources. If it is underdesigned , bottlenecks that cause delays, lost productivity, or unsafe conditions may arise. Transportation is typically systematic engineering . A system is a set of interrelated parts, called components that perform number of functions in order to mon goals. 8 一、运输对经济发展的影响( Economic role of transportation ) ?生产物质资源需要流通?流通中的运输费用追加至产品价值。 ,发展地区经济 Trips Transportation needs Transportation facility Accessibility Land value Land use 9 二、对社会发展的影响( Social role of transportation) 水路运输→促使城市沿江边或海岸布设和发展铁路出现→内陆城市得以发展公路出现→缩小城乡差异航空发展→促进国际间的交流三、对政治的影响(Political role of transportation) ?中央与地方的联络?国防 10