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上传人:文库旗舰店 2020/12/12 文件大小:5.31 MB




文档介绍:The background of 3 idiots
3 idiots, the Indian Bollywood movie, whose starrings includes Amir Khan, Made Ha Wan and Sharman Josh. In first weekend, the movie achieved 7420000 yuan high box office, creating the Indian Bollywood movie's new box office record in China
six major roles
Rancho is the gardener’s son. He is smart and naughty. He asserts that we should transform our passion into our occupation.
Raju comes from a poor family. He has a sick father and an unmarried sister. He always lives in fear under pressure, he became shy and cautious.
Farhan study engineering to pursue his father’s wish over his dream to became photographer.
the headmaster “Virus” He believe that students are estimated by their grades.
Chatur (A tradional good student)
Pia is a beautiful and kindhearted doctor. Finally she falls in love with Rancho
The main content
The beginning of story is that Farhan and Raju look for their good brother Rancho who disappeared for many years in the process of expansion of memories . About ten years ago, Rancho replaced another person and came to the ICE(the best engineering school in India in the film ). At the school, students are only standarded by their grades because “poor grades mean no future!”
Rancho did not want to follow the crowd, others are affected by his kind-heartedness, cheerfulness, humor and wisdom. Rancho broke the traditiona


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