文档介绍:本 科 毕 业 设 计(论文)
题目 电动车防盗系统设计
专业名称 电子信息工程
20XX 年 06月 2日
关键词:单片机; GSM模块; 振动传感器; 防盗。
The fine features of electric bicycle are environmentally friendly, efficient, the popularity of electric bicycle, security issues become more grave. In order to solve security issues, application of new technologies on the design of anti-theft system has become very necessary.
This system consists of single-chip microcomputer, pressure sensors and GSM modem. It uses the most reliable, most mature GSM mobile network, in order to tell the state of electric bicycle to the owner in the form of short message in Chinese. This will help owners find the first time danger of electric vehicles in order to carry out preventive. It uses sensors to detect vibration, the vibration signal is converted to electrical signal. Single-chip microcomputer is the main components of the system. This system dispatches a short message by GSM modem. The anti-theft system of electric vehicles compared to the traditional anti-theft system has many advantages. First of all, the anti-theft alarm system is accurate, false alarm rate is low, to avoid unnecessary worry of the owner; Secondly, this alarm system is no noise,to avoid the traditional alarm sounds unceasingly; once again, the system uses the most reliable, most mature GSM mobile network,as the signal of the GSM global w