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文档介绍:I 摘要本文介绍了一款基于 AT89C51 单片机数字时钟的设计,阐述了多功能数字时钟的设计思路,详细叙述了系统硬件、软件设计的具体过程。本设计用 AT89C51 作为主控器件,用 DS1302 作为时间的计数,用 LED — 12864 为显示器件。通过 DS1302 直接读取时间、日期,进行数据转换,该器件的物理化学性稳定,线性度较好,能自动计算年、月、日、时、分、秒、和星期,能自动计算闰年。该器件可直接向单片机传送数字信号,便于单片机控制和处理。而 LCD — 12864 是常用的液晶显示器件,其显示的分辨率为 128*64 ,可以显示 8*4 行 16*16 点阵的汉字,也可以完成图形显示,低电压功耗是其又一个显著特点。在设计中还采用了单片机常用的汇编语言进行编写。在实际的仿真调试过程中, 通过与实际时钟进行对比,查找误差的根源,确定调整误差的方法,尽量减少误差。使系统可以达到与实际时间一致的高精度准确性。关键词:数字时钟, AT89C51 , DS 1302 , LED — 12864 II Abstract This paper introduces a digital clock based on AT89C51 design, this paper expounds the multi-function digital clock design ideas, and this paper describes the system hardware and software design of the specific process. This design is use AT89C51 for Master control device , use DS1302 for times count and use LED-12864 for shows. Through the DS1302 directly read time, date, carries on the data transfer, this device of physical chemical stability, linearity is good, can automatically calculate date and time, minutes and seconds, and week, can automatically calculate a leap year. This device can be sent directly to the single chip puter digital signal, facilitate single-chip puter control and processing. And LC D-12864 monly used liquid crystal display device, its the resolution of the display for 128 *64, can display 8*4 line 16*16dot matrix characters, also can be finished graphic display, low voltage power consumption is its and a notable features. In the design of the single puter is also used in the assembly languages used to write. In the actual simulation debugging process, paring with actual clock, find the source of the error, determine the arithmetic and try to minimize the error. The system can be achieved with the actual time consistent high precision accuracy. K eyword : Digital clock, AT89C51, DS1302, LED-12864 摘要......................................................................................................................... I Abstract ......................................................