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文档介绍:城市公交车节能减排综合应用研究摘要目前,减少车辆的油料消耗和废气排放量是车辆节能和环境保护的一个迫切问题。本文针对城市公共汽车节能减排主要进行了能量回收系统的研究,以期在确保制动安全性的前提下,使车辆制动过程中的动能充分吸收和储存,并在起步加速过程中充分释放,形成车辆行驶的动力,从而达到节能和改善车辆排放性能的目的。本系统由液压技术、传动技术、控制技术相结合实现车辆的低油耗、低排放,并有效地提高车辆的动力性能,是现有汽车节能、环保的重要途径。在分析城市公共汽车特殊运行工况的基础上, 本文对现有的各种储能方案进行了综合对比,并介绍了液压储能技术在制动能量回收中的应用情况,确定了采用液压储能技术、并联式驱动的系统整体方案。在液压系统的设计中采用皮囊式液压蓄能器作为能量储存装置、变量栗/马达作为能量转换元件,实现了系统结构紧凑、反应迅速的要求。在对车辆制动过程动力学分析的基础上,确定了液压系统的主要工作参数。通过对液压系统工作性能进行仿真分析可知,系统参数选取合理,可以满足常规制动及辅助车辆起步加速的需要。本文针对能量再生系统与原车动力系统之间采用并联驱动方式的特点, 结合具体车型,进行了栗/ 马达离合器的设计。该装置采用液压离合器进行动力传递, 提高了系统的可控性和可靠性。本文根据标准市区循环工况, 分析比较了传统车辆与节能车辆在一个循环工况上的耗油量,通过 MATLAB 仿真得出能量回收系统的节能效果。本文最后从离合器的改进和汽车滑行两个方面简单介绍了其节能效果。关键词:公共汽车,节能,制动能量回收,液压蓄能器 I Abstract Today it es very urgent problems to reduce fuel consumption and exhaust gases from road vehicles for enviromental protection. In this paper r the braking energy regeneration system of city bus is studied. By using the energy regeneration technology t the ic energy generated during braking is recovered and then released when the bus speeds up. In this way^ the city bus can reduce fuel consumption and the associated emissions. The low oil consumption and low bleeder of vehicle are achieved by using of transmission ^ hydraulie power control and pound drive system works hamoniously with engine to raise the motive capability effectively. It is the important way of saving energy and environmental protection for automobile. By analyzing the special driving cycle of city bus paring with different typeof regenerative schemes ? this paper introduced the using of hydraulic energy storage in the braking energy regeneration system and proposed a system scheme which is using the hydraulic energy storage and parallel connection driving techniques. The hydraulic system uses the bladder hydraulic accumulator and the pump/motor as the energy storage and transformation part* so it pact structure and the rapid reaction. On the basic of the dynamics analysis to the braking process ? the parameters ofhydraulic system are fi