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Henry James 亨利詹姆斯.ppt

上传人:陈潇睡不醒 2020/12/18 文件大小:533 KB


Henry James 亨利詹姆斯.ppt


文档介绍:Henry James 1843 - 1916
Life Story
Henry James was born in New York in 1843. He belonged to a rich family who could affort the private tutors and governesse that educated him
His father,Henry James,Sr.,was a philosopher who had inherited a considerable fortune, socialized with all the leading intellectuals of the day.
His brother William became a prominent philosopher and psychologist
In 1855, when James was twelve, the family embarked on a three-year tour of Europe that included London, Paris, and Geneva.
The experience was to have a profound influence on James's life and writing.
In addition to European art and culture, the trip exposed him to the erudition of European society.
It also put him in an ideal position to observe the contrasts between New and Old World values, a conflict that was to appear repeatedly in James's fiction as “the international theme.”
when he was growing up in New York,Hen was given a great deal of independence,so much in fact, that he felt isolated from other people. A quiet child among exuberant brothers and cousins,Henry was more often an observer than a participant in their activities.
Henry's family lived for a time in Boston,where he become acquainted with New England auth


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