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临沂市河东区英语六年级下册Unit 5 Active animals测试卷.doc

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临沂市河东区英语六年级下册Unit 5 Active animals测试卷.doc

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临沂市河东区英语六年级下册Unit 5 Active animals测试卷.doc



文档介绍:临沂市河东区英语六年级下册Unit 5 Active animals测试卷
姓名:________ 班级:________ 成绩:________
一、 单项选择 (共5题;共10分)
1. (2分) Are they doing karate __________?
A . next Sunday afternoon    
B . last Sunday afternoon    
C . sometimes    
2. (2分) The bird is flying ________ in the sky.
A . tall    
B . long    
C . high    
3. (2分) ______ do you have breakfast ?
A . When    
B . What    
C . How    
4. (2分) Labour Day is in May, Mother's Day is________ in May
A . too    
B . also    
C . two    
5. (2分) thinner
A .      B .     
二、 阅读理解。 (共1题;共10分)
6. (10分) 阅读理解
Mr Red's diamond(钻石)is missing in the policeman is asking him some questions.
P: Well, tell me, what did you do last night?
R: Mmm... At 7:00, a postman came and sent me the newspaper. I was reading some newspapers. At that time, Miss Tina was cooking supper for me in the kitchen.
P: When did Miss Tina leave your house?
R: About 8:00, after she washed the dishes.
P: Ok, and then?
R: At 8:30, I was watching TV. Someone broke my windows of the bedroom, so I asked them to fix for me.
P: What?  Someone broke your windows?
R: Yes. A fat and tall man. But he called his friends to fix the windows after a while.
P: Oh, I think I know now.
(1) What's missing?
A . A dog.    
B . A window.         
C . A diamond.    
D . Mr Red.    
(2) What