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中环快速路北段工程项目监理规划 监理大学毕业(论文)设计.doc

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中环快速路北段工程项目监理规划 监理大学毕业(论文)设计.doc

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中环快速路北段工程项目监理规划 监理大学毕业(论文)设计.doc



文档介绍:南京工业大学本科生毕业设计 I 南京市中环快速路北段工程项目监理规划摘要本毕业设计针对南京中环快速路北段工程编制项目监理规划,该工程为国家一级公路,监理规划应在项目开工前编制完成,作为工程管理的依据。在监理规划的总框架下,在总监理工程师的主持下编制,制定了一系列的工作计划、进度计划、工作流程、监理工作制度、各项工作的报表、监理工作守则、职责分工。使监理的工作规范化、制度化。从工程实际出发,从业主要求和利益出发,为项目工程服务, 切实保障业主和各施工单位的根本利益和工程成果。本工程项目的监理工作阶段为施工阶段,工作范围为施工期间的所有监理工作,工作内容为工程的质量、进度、投资控制三大任务,同时进行合同、信息管理,并从工程管理角度做好组织协调工作,同时,做好安全生产控制工作。关键词: 工作流程监理规划服务 Abstract II The supervision plan for c entral e xpressway n orth project in Nan Jing Abstract T his graduation design for The supervision plan ofc entral e xpressway north engineering project in Nanjing , the project isa national highway, missioner of planning should pleted before the project started, as the basis of project management. The total frame in the supervision of planning, the chief supervision engineer prepared under the auspices of, made a series of work plan and schedule, work flow, work supervision system, reporting, supervision rules, the division of responsibilities. The supervision work of the standardization, institutionalization. From the view of engineering practice, starting from the requirements of the owner and the benefit, engineering services for the project, effectively protect the owners and the construction unit and the fundamental interests of the project results. Supervision of the project for the construction stage, the scope of work for all supervision work during the construction, work for the quality, progress, investment control engineering three tasks at the same time, contract, information management, and doa good job anization and coordination work, from the viewpoint of engineering management at the same time, good control of production safety work. Keywords: workflow management planning services 南京工业大学本科生毕业设计 III 目录摘要.................................................................................................................... I ABSTRACT ......................................................................................................... II 第一章工程项目概况..................


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