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文档介绍:I ( 此文档为 word 格式,下载后您可任意编辑修改! ) 摘要随着因特网的发展, 公司宣传模式发生了很大的变化。网站比传统的宣传模式更方便、经济, 且不受空间、时间限制。论文详细论述了一个基于 公司网站的开发设计过程。系统采用基于 的 B/S 架构, C# 作编程语言, SQL Server 2000 作数据库管理系统, 实现了企业介绍、企业文化、新闻中心、产品管理、人才招聘、留言版等功能。整个系统从操作简单性,界面友好性,功能实用性出发,为房产信息发布、管理提供了一个广阔而廉价的平台, 为客户提供了便捷而全面的房产信息, 使客户可以快速、方便地了解到条件、地点、价格合适的房源。系统符合公司网站的需求。论文组织如下:首先阐述了该系统的开发背景、意义;其次介绍了相关的开发工具及技术基础; 接着对系统的需求进行了分析, 并提出了具体的设计方案和数据库模型; 然后展现了整个系统的具体实现, 包括数据库的设计和连接, 各功能模块的实现; 最后对该软件进行了严格的测试。关键词: 数据库设计;安全性; ; SQL SERVER2000 朱江: 基于 房产公司网站的设计与实现 II Abstract Along with the development of the , pany propaganda mode has been changed greatly. The website is more convenient and economic than the traditional propaganda mode, and it is not limited by space and time. The paper discusses in detail the development and design process pany website based . It uses 2005 as the development platform, C# as the programming language, SQL Server 2000 as the database management system, and includes enterprise introduction, enterprise culture, news, goods management, talent recruitment, message board, etc.. It can accord with the requirement of pany paper anized as following: Firstly, analyzes the background and significance; Secondly, introduces the development tools and the foundation of the technology; Thirdly, analyses the demand of the system, gives a specific design project and a database model; Then shows the implementation of the whole system, which includes the design and linkage of the database and the implementation of every module. Finally gives a test of the system. Key words: ; ; Database design; Security; SQL SERVER2000 目录摘要....................................................................................................................... Ⅰ Abstract ................................................................................................................................ Ⅱ 1 绪论.................................................................................................................... 1 开发背景.......


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