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文档介绍:The founder of smiling curve ? The important technology companies Acer Group founder Mr. Stan Shih,in 1992 in order to "reinvent Acer “, puts forward famous "Smiling Curve"(SmilingCurve) theory as the strategic direction of Acer. After more than ten years, Mr. Stan Shih will be "Smiling Curve" revisionintroduced the "industry's smiling curve" as the Taiwan variousindustry long-term development strategy direction. The reason of smiling curve ? Smile curve theory is very simple but very practical pointed out strategydirection of Taiwan industry in the future, in the enterprise guiding value added concept body only continue to block movement and positioning tohigh value-added sustainable development and sustainable industry is one of the otive industry, but in theindustry, market saturation and the traditional only pay attention to thelow value-added manufacturing field of engineering construction, has experienced 10 years of economic downturn. The smile curve theory canprovide a new way of thinking. The definition of the smiling curve ? A curve smiling mouth, ends up, in the industrial chain, value addedmore reflected in both ends, design and the smile curve of sales, in the process of manufacturing value added. ? Smiling curve have two points, the first is the additional value can find out where, the second is about the typ


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