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外企 招聘面试常见的问题interview English.doc

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外企 招聘面试常见的问题interview English.doc

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外企 招聘面试常见的问题interview English.doc



文档介绍:Part 1 frequently used English and Skills
1 frequently asked questions such as:
How would you describe yourself?
What is your greatest weakness?
What are your most important accomplishments?
How would you describe your ideal job?
How do you like to work with others?
2 Do you have any questions like:
What are the major responsibilities of this position?
How does this position fit into the corporate structure?
Are there any training or educational opportunities for employees?
Is there anything else I should know about this company?
3 Illegal questions:
Are you married?
Will you be leaving the firm to raise children when you get married?
Do you expecting a child?
Are you active in church?
4 How to answer the difficult questions?
What is important to you in a job?
Challenge, the feeling of accomplishment, and knowing that you have made a contribution
Why do you want to work for this organization?
Its reputation, the opportunity it offers, and the working atmosphere of the firm
Why should we employ you?
My academic preparation, job skills, and enthusiasm about working for the firm
If we hire you, how long will you stay with us?
As long as my position here allows me to learn and to advance a t a pace consistent with my abilities
What are your greatest strengths?
I can see what needs to be done and do it
I’m willing to make decisions
I work well with others
I can organize my time efficiently
What are your greatest weakness?
I tend to drive myself too hard
I expect others to perform beyond their capacities
I like to see a job done quickly
5 other useful sentences
I’d like to see the personnel manager, please
I’m interested in teaching English
Do you have any part-time job here?
Have you got any vacancy right now?
I’ve got a degree in business
I used to work as a secretary
Actually I was trained as an electronic engineer
Do you like your present job?
Have you done anything like that before?