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文档介绍:华北电力大学硕士学位论文 I 摘要随着“智能电网”概念的提出,对电能计量系统的功能和精度提出了更高的要求。但由于电压互感器二次回路压降问题及其现有解决方法的不完善,使得电能计量的精确度受到了很大影响。为了更好地提高电能计量设备的稳定性与精度,克服现行计量设备存在的局限,本文设计了一种基于光纤传输的 DSP+ARM9 结构的高精度智能电能计量系统方案。该电能计量系统采用模块化设计,分为采集计量装置和综合通信装置:采集计量装置利用DSP 运算精度高、速度快的优势,完成电网信号的采集及与计算;综合通信装置利用 ARM9 优良的控制能力与丰富的外设,完成数据的管理和通信功能,并嵌入了 操作系统,提供了友好的人机接口; 利用光纤不受外界电磁场干扰的性能实现了采集计量装置向综合通信装置的数据传输,解决了二次回路压降影响电能计量精度的问题。 本课题设计的电能计量系统可满足变电站电能计量的需求,采集计量装置可安装于变电站开关柜内的电能计量回路,多个采集计量装置可通过串行口扩展模块向一个综合通信装置传输数据,综合通信装置可安装在控制室内。 为了测量本电能计量系统的精度,利用数据采集卡和 LabVIEW 构建了系统误差测试平台,使用“测差法”对系统进行了误差测试。测试结果表明,其电压测量精度可达到 级,有功电能计量精度 级,无功电能计量精度 级,实现了优于现有电能计量设备的精度。关键词: 电能计量;DSP;ARM;WinCE;光纤传输 华北电力大学硕士学位论文 II ABSTRACT With the "Smart Grid" concept proposed, the electric energy metering system has to faced multi-function and higher accuracy requirements. However the electric energy meter accuracy has been greatly affected by the problem of voltage transformer secondary circuit voltage drop and imperfect solutions. In or der to improve the stability and precision of the electric energy meter, e limitations of existing device, this paper proposed an electric energy metering sy stem based on optical fiber transmission and DSP + ARM9 structure. This novel elec tric energy metering system adopted modular design and included two parts: acquisi tion- measuring device and synthetic communication device. The acquisition- m easuring device applied DSP with high accuracy and high speed plete grid signal acquisition and calculation.. The munication device applied ARM with excellent control ability and rich peripheral plete data manageme nt munication function. embedded operation system was installed in the munication device, providing a friendly human-machine interface. Op tical fiber was applie d to transfer data from the acquisition-measuring device to th e munication device, which can be free from the interference of electro-ma gnetic field and with no voltage transformer secondary circuit voltage
