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上传人:文库旗舰店 2020/12/21 文件大小:287 KB




文档介绍:Computers of the future 未来的计算机
Other potential uses include more sophisticated hands-free dialing as well as cli
mate control systems
Speech recognition should also make it easier to use a small device to access data stored on a larger one. “Basically, anything that’s on your desktop will be available to you by voice,” One expert predicts.
ech-recognition experts believe that the robust infrastructure of third-generation high-speed data traMany spensmission services will improve speech recognition in wireless applications.
For effective speech recognition, some processing should be done in the handset or on personal digital assistants and some across the network. That will help users overcome problems such as noise and choppy reception in some
wireless connections.
In some cases, it would be best for the device to do more than simply process a spoken command. For example, it might be better if a data request were sent seeking prices for a flight to Paris in October, instead of informing the computer that a caller asked,“How much is it to fly from Boston to Paris next month?”

This presents an architectural challenge: How can the airline’s computer transmit something akin to a flight reservation request form to a wireless device so the speech can be understood in context an