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文档介绍:Lesson 11 Rivet Identification Lesson 11 Rivet Identification 铆钉的识别铆钉的识别( ( Part II Part II ) ) 广州民航职业技术学院机务系顾铮 By : Zheng GU Aircraft and Engine Maintenance Department Civil Aviation College of Guangzhou Translate following questions in to English Translate following questions in to English ??铆钉的材料决定了铆钉的使用铆钉的材料决定了铆钉的使用 The use of the rivets is governed by The use of the rivets is governed by the materials of which they are made. the materials of which they are made. ??选择铆钉主要需考虑铆接处的强度选择铆钉主要需考虑铆接处的强度 To determine which kind of rivet to To determine which kind of rivet to use, we should consider the strength use, we should consider the strength required for the riveted joint. required for the riveted joint. Translate following questions in to English Translate following questions in to English ??铆钉的材料可由它头部的标记来识别铆钉的材料可由它头部的标记来识别 The material of the rivet can be identified The material of the rivet can be identified by the marking on the head of the rivet. by the marking on the head of the rivet. ??从件号中可知铆钉的直径和长度从件号中可知铆钉的直径和长度 The part number shows the diameter The part number shows the diameter and the length of the rivet. and the length of the rivet. Translate following questions in to English Translate following questions in to English ??常见的两种铆钉头型是沉头和普通头常见的两种铆钉头型是沉头和普通头 The mon head styles of rivet The mon head styles of rivet are count sunk head and universal head. are count sunk head and universal head. ??正确地识别不同种类的铆钉正确地识别不同种类的铆钉, , 对航空维修对航空维修技术人员来说,是非常重要的技术人员来说,是非常重要的 It is important that the aviation It is important that the aviation maintenance technician be able to correctly maintenance technician be able to correctly identify the different types of rivets identify the different types of rivets MS20470 AD5-6 / AN470 AD5-6: MS20470 AD5-6 / AN470 AD5-6: (1) (1) MS or AN: the standard to which the MS or AN: the standard