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上传人:薄荷牛奶 2016/4/30 文件大小:0 KB





文档介绍:费资料尽在此 LETTER OF PROPOSAL FOR CONSULTING PANY INTRODUCTION Bexcel Management Consultants (“ Bexcel ”) was founded in 1998. Its main partners are from world-famous management pany (McKinsey, Roland Berger, CP Group), and have rich overseas working experiences. Bexcel owns rich experiences in management and investment consulting. Bexcel holds great aspiration to upgrade the management level of China enterprises and assist panies ’ investment in China. Bexcel has set up divisions and offices in Hong Kong, USA and Germany to boast extensive relations with investors home and abroad. Bexcel has built up broad relations with China business groups and entrepreneurs by the cooperation in long-term management consulting projects. Bexcel provide systematic consulting services, including strategy, organization, marketing, HR development, business system and process designing, and IT applications with deep understanding of China ’s IT, munications and industries. Bexcel has conducted many high-rank projects, including the management consulting project for the 3 rd large SOE in PRC, the private placement advisory for an pany (ISP/ICP/merce) and one of the leading IT panies in PRC and a primer European medical pany ’s China market entry in China . SCOPE OF WORK The major objective of this project is to provide essential information of the strategy and operations for locating a based publica


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