题目: 旧城改造规划研究
学生姓名 吴寒冰
学 号 09113110
指导教师 李 敏
专 业 人文地理与城乡规划
年 级 2009级
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签名: 导师 签名: 日期:
Study Plan for Reconstruction
----In the city of Shangluo West District as an example
Abstract: With the development of society and economy, a considerable portion of the city in our country,the great in strength and impetus of the transformation of the old city activities. The transformation of the old city in general have the following characteristics: complexity, arduous, long-term. These features together with the transformation of some deep-seated problems appearing in the process of transformation of the old city[12], which has become a significant issue in developing process needs to solve in the city. This paper from the generation and characteristics, the transformation of the old urban areas of great significance and urgency about the present situation of Shangluo City, and a brief analysis of the west area and the main problems, put forward some reform project, provides experience for similar city transformation of the old city planning and rectification work[13].
Keywords: The transformation of the