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文档介绍:..页眉.. 页脚.. FDI 对浙江产业结构影响的实证分析摘要: 本文分析了 1999-2006 年浙江 FDI 的产业间和产业内构成情况, 并用计量方法测算了 FDI 对固定资产投资和三次产业的贡献情况,结论是 FDI 对第二产业的倾斜拉大了该地区三次产业间的差距,且 FDI 在二、三产业内的分布也将影响未来产业升级。关键词: FDI ;浙江; 产业结构;固定资产投资;面板数据 Influence of FDI on the Industry Structure of Zhejiang Province Abstrac t:W ith panel data in the period of 1999-2006, this paper analyze s the effect of foreign direct investment upon industry structure of Zhejiang province. It demonstrate s that FDI has a positive effect on Zhejiang ’s second and third industries ’ growth and the cling to the second industry is leading toa larger gap between the two. Also the structure of FDI inside the two industries will influence the future development trend of the two. Key words : FDI; Zhejiang; Industrial structure; fixed-asset investment; Panel Data 上海复旦大学管理学院产业经济学系 06 级硕士研究生蒋晨达地址: 上海市黄浦区丽园路 68弄 12号 201 邮编: 200011 电话:********** 邮箱:********** ..页眉.. 页脚.. FDI 对浙江产业结构影响的实证分析摘要: 本文分析了 1999-2006 年浙江 FDI 的产业间和产业内构成情况, 并用计量方法测算了 FDI 对固定资产投资和三次产业的贡献情况,结论是 FDI 对第二产业的倾斜拉大了该地区三次产业间的差距,且 FDI 在二、三产业内的分布也将影响未来产业升级。关键词: FDI ;浙江; 产业结构;固定资产投资;面板数据 Influence of FDI on the Industry Structure of Zhejiang Province Abstrac t:W ith panel data in the period of 1999-2006, this paper analyze s the effect of foreign direct investment upon industry structure of Zhejiang province. It demonstrate s that FDI has a positive effect on Zhejiang ’s second and third industries ’ g