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中国农村水利水电2017,10,136-139 142.docx

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中国农村水利水电2017,10,136-139 142.docx


基于流速仪法的柘林水电厂A1号机组 效率试验研究
王邦旭蔡家林蒙淑平田继在 肖志怀 武汉大学水力机械过渡过程教育部重点实验室国家 电网江西省柘林水电厂
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水轮机效率是评价水轮机性能的重要指标,是指导水电站经济运行的关键参数。 江西柘林水电厂A1号机组服役时间长、老化严重,经专家论证后对其进行了改 造。为了检验机组改造效果、鉴别设备的性能,对改造后的机组进行了原型效率 试验研究。试验采用流速仪法测量机组在试验水头下的流速分布,利用平均流速 法计算机组流量,测量出工作水头与机组出力,最终计算出原型机组效率并率 定蜗壳流量系数。进而对测试结果进行整理分析,得到指导机组优化运行的性能 曲线。试验结果验证了试验方法的可行性和准确性,且机组的更新改造达到设计 要求。
作者简介:王邦旭(1995-),男,硕士,主要研究方向为水电机组状态监测与 故障诊断。E-mai 1:wangbangxu 123@ 126. com。
作者简介:肖志怀(1968-),男,博士,教授,主要研究方向为水电机组控制、 状态检测与故障诊断。E-ma订:******@126. com。
收稿日期:2017-04-26 基金:国家自然科学基金资助项目(51379160)
The Efficiency Test Based on
Current-Meter Method on Al# Unit of Zhelin Hydropower Sta/tion
WANG Bang—xu CAI Jia-lin MENG Shu-ping TIAN
Ji—zai XIAO Zhi—huai
Key Laborstory of Hydraulic Machinery Transient
Process, Minis try of Educa tion, Wuhan Universi ty;
Zhelin Power Station, State Grid;
The efficiency of hydro-turbine is an importsnt indicator to evaluate the performance of hydraulic turbine as well as a key parameter to guide operations of hydropower station. Al# unit of Jiangxi Zhelin Hydropower Station is seriously ageing because of decades' service and it is ameliorated correspondingly by experts. To test the effect of amelioration, a study about this is carried out. In this paper, the current meter method is adopted to measure the velocity distribution under the test head. Then the flow :rate can be calculated with mean velocity method. And by calculating the operating head and power, the efficiency of prototype unit and the spiral case discharge coefficient can be obtained. Finally, the results are analyzed, which can help optimize operations of the unit. The results show good feasibility and accuracy of current meter method and the amel ioratioii meets the requirements of design well.
hydroelectric generstiiig set; efficiency test; current meter method; flow rate; spiral case discharge coefficient;
Received: 2017-