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文档介绍:: .
Spring Festival
The Spring Festival is known as the most important Festival in Chi na. During the holiday, people go back to hometow n from everywhere no matter how far the distanee is. They prepare various delicious food and prese nts for the Spring Festival Eve. Chin ese will have a happy family union in the Spring Festival Eve, they believe that ' s the end day of last year and they will stay up for good luck un til the first day of n ext year.
In China, the most traditional and popular Spring Festival food is dumpling, which looks like the moon with vegetables and meat mixed in it. The Chinese name of dumpling is “JIAO
Zl ”,” JIAO” means ” cross ” ,” Zl ” is Chin ese traditi onal time
represents “24:00 ” , so the Chinese word “JIAO Zl ” means “cross
24:00 ” ,just the dividing point of last year and next year. So
whe n it comes to 24:00, every family beg ins eati ng dumpli ngs.
Firecracker is also n ecessary for Spring Festival, the story of
Firecracker is: Long ago, in a small village, there appeared a savage animal called “ NIAN' , this animal always c ame out to
eat people in the Eve. One day, villagers found three things can
make “ NIAN' scared: Red color, Fire and noise. So when “ NIAN'
came again, villagers put up red paper on the door and set firecracker everywhere. After that, “NIAN