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文档介绍:摘要 I 摘 要 成长小说发源于西方,以成长中的人物为描写对象,展现生命个体不断完善,走向成熟的动态过程。在父权社会中,一切话语、训规都是以男性利益为中心的,女性处在失语和被言说的历史地表之下,居于从属地位。成长小说文本也是以男性作为成长主体, 即便有对女性的描写也是出于男性的审美眼光。掌握话语权的男性规范女性角色,给女性命名,女性在父权制社会中处于“他者”境遇被忽视,女性成长的真相也被掩盖在男权话语之下。 随着二十世纪九十年代经济迅猛发展,中国出现多元文化语境,西方女性主义思潮的涌入使被蒙蔽的女性渐渐觉醒,她们主动疏离男权意识形态,为确立自我、回归自我做出种种努力和斗争。女性成长小说在这一时期的文坛上格外引人注目,女作家把自己丰富独特的个人体验倾注在作品中,塑造各类人物形象表现女性的成长。本文以成长中的女性为研究对象,用女性话语解读女性的成长,力图揭开女性生存真相。首先论述在男权体制下女性被压抑被扭曲的现状以及女性身陷其中的困惑与迷失;其次论述觉醒了的女性在成长道路中寻找自我所做出的姿态和努力,对文本中女性成长主体的角色进行归纳辨析,探讨女性拒绝父权制的策略,肯定女性在批判男权体制的同时对自身的审视与坚守。与此同时,在享乐至上、消费至上、物质至上的社会风潮中出现“***”成长小说,一些作家的极端体验成为欲望商品。面对二十世纪九十年代以来女性成长小说的纷繁之势,本文对这一类型的小说作一梳理,否定个别的欲望化书写,留存本真的女性成长叙事,回到女性自身,深入女性的内心世界,展现丰富多彩的女性个体特征,来探寻女性成长在这一时期的发展脉络。 关键词 1990 年代 女性 成长小说 Abstract II Abstract Bildungsroman is originated in the west. With growing figures as the description object, it shows a dynamic process of continuous improveme nt of individual life towards maturity. In the patriarchal society, male as the center, made all discursive rights and rules. Female were under the surface of history, without any discursi ve right, and living in a subordinate position in the society. The context of bildungsroman also took male as the center, even the description of female was also from the Aesthetic point of view of male. Male who master the discourse right regulated female characters, named female. Female were ignored as the “others” in the patriarchal society. The truth of female’s growth was also covered under the patriarchal discourse. With the 1990s rapid economic development, China appeared multicultural context. Western feminist trend influx has made fema le gradually awake. The female actively separated from patriarchal ideology, and made all kinds of efforts and strength to establish self-esteem. In order to represent the female’s growth, female writers put their rich and unique personal experience into their works. This article takes female growth as the re search object, uncovering female growth with their own disc