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文档介绍:青岛公馆高层住宅设计完成日期: 指导教师签字: 答辩小组成员签字: 摘要本设计是青岛地区一高层住宅。主体二十层,一梯两户,总建筑面积 m 2。设计包括部分,建筑设计和结构设计。建筑设计部分包括总体布局、平面与竖向交通、建筑朝向与选型以及防火和疏散要求。主要进行了建筑设计构思,平面布局、立面设计、剖面设计以及防火和疏散设计。该设计平面布局合理、满足功能要求。结构计算较全面、详实。满足设计任务书的要求。结构采用剪力墙结构体系。结构设计包括荷载计算(重力荷载、风荷载、水平地震荷载)剪力墙、楼板。在荷载内力计算的基础上,进行了内力组合,取最不利荷载进行了配筋计算。在配筋计算中,进行了相应的构造配筋,计算结果较准确。关键词:住宅;结构设计;剪力墙结构 Abstract This design isa high-rise buildings in Qingdao city. Its main body is20 storeys with one staircase for eight. Its construction area .The design includes two chapters,architecture design and structural design. Architecture design includes the total layout, plane and the perpendicular transportat- ion, the orientation of the building and chooses the size,and the design of fireproof and plane ’s arrangement is reasonable,and its semblance is inct and generous , which satisfies the function ’s requirement. The design whose plane is reasonable,satisfies the function ’s design is fairly full and accurate,and also satisfies the requirement of the designing task. The structural system adopts shear structure design includes the load ing calculation (the gravity load ing ,the wind load ing ) the design of shear wall, and floor and the foundation .On the basis of calculating the internal force,I make bination of internal force,and choose the most disadvantageous force to design the steel reinforcing result is fairly exact. Key words: residential buildings; structural design ; Shear ing wall struture 青岛公馆设计 1 目录青岛公馆高层住宅设计................................................................................................ I 摘要............................................................................................................................ III 1建筑设计..................................................................................................................... 2 工程概况.......................................................................................................


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