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上传人:读书百遍 2020/12/30 文件大小:117 KB





摘 要
当今国际贸易中, 绿色壁垒成为贸易保护关键手段, 是中国向发达国家出口关键障碍。 绿色壁垒对中国对外贸易影响, 中国政府和企业在对外贸易中有效规避绿色壁垒部分应对方法。 绿色贸易壁垒是当今国际贸易保护主义新动向,是非关税壁垒关键组成部分,它对国际贸易发展产生了很大程度影响。 文章在探讨绿色贸易壁垒相关概念基础上,系统地叙述了绿色贸易壁垒产生原因、 基础形式、 特征及发展趋势,具体叙述了它对中国对外贸易影响,在此基础上,从政府和企业两个层面上提出了应对绿色贸易壁垒对策提议国际经济一体化趋势越来越显著大背景下, 国际贸易作为国际经济一体化关键推进力之一, 得到了前所未有发展, 各国间经济贸易往来愈加频繁、 关系愈加亲密。 同时, 各国间贸易竞争也达成了白热化程度。 部分国家为了达成保护本国产业和市场目标, 采取了一系列贸易限制方法, 其中绿色贸易壁垒是自20世纪90年代以来, 发达国家使用最频繁一个, 也是当今国际贸易领域关键贸易壁垒之一。 作为世界上最大发展中国家, 中国在多年贸易出口中也频频遭遇这类壁垒, 损失严重, 所以, 从理论层面分析绿色壁垒对中国对外贸易影响含相关键理论和现实意义。 文章在叙述绿色贸易壁垒定义、 成因及表现形式基础上, 分析了绿色壁垒对中国对外贸易影响, 并提出了跨越绿色壁垒对策。
关键词 绿色壁垒; 国际贸易; 贸易壁垒
Foreign trade of “green barriers”and its impact on response
Key words: green barrier; international trade; trade barriersToday's international trade, green trade barriers as a major means of protection is China's exports to the developed countries the main obstacle. Green barriers on the impact of China's foreign trade, China's government and enterprises in foreign trade barriers effectively circumvent a number of green trade barriers in today's international trade protectionism is the new trend is an important component of non-tariff barriers, which the development of international trade has undergone a great the world's largest developing country, China's exports in recent years have frequently encountered such barriers, has suffered serious losses, therefore, from the theoretical analysis of the green barriers on the impact of China's foreign trade is an important theoretical and practical significance. Article in green on the definition of barriers to trade, the causes and manifestations, based on an analysis of green barriers on the impact of China's foreign trade, and put forward countermeasures across the green barriers.
As the world's largest developing country, China's exports in recent years have frequently encountered such barriers, has suffered serious losses, therefore, from the theoretical analysis