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上传人:国霞穿越 2020/12/31 文件大小:458 KB




文档介绍:IELTS 9
Test 1
SECTION 1 Questi ons 1 -10
Complete the no tes below.
Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS AND/OR A NUMBEfftor each an swer.
Example ? Work at:
a restaura nt
? Type of work: 1
? Number of hours per week: 12 hours
? Would need work permit
? Work in the: 2
? Nearest bus stop: next to 3 ? Pay: 4 £
? Extra ben efits:
an hour
-a free dinner
-extra pay when you work on 5
-tran sport home whe n you work 6 ? Qualities required:
-ability to 8
? In terview arran ged for: Thursday 9 ? Bring the names of two referees
? Ask for: Samira 10
SECTION 2 Questi ons 11-20
Questio ns 11-16
Complete the no tes below.
Write ONE WORD AND/OR A NUMBER for each an swer.
at 6 .
a new 11 of an intern atio nal sports goods compa ny
located in the shopp ing centre to the 12 of Bradcaster
has sports 13 and equipme nt on floors 1 - 3
can get you any item with in 14 days
shop specialises in equipme nt for 15
has a special sect ion which just sells 16
SECTION 2 Questions 17 -18 Choose the correct letter, A, B or C.
17 A champion athlete will be in the shop
A on Saturday morning only.
B all day Saturday.
C for the whole weekend.
18 The first person to answer 20 quiz questions correctly will win A gym membership.
B a video.
C a calendar.
Questions 19 and 20
Choose TWO letters, A-E.
Which TWO pieces of information does the speaker give about the fitness test? A You need to reserve a place.
B It is free to account holders.
C You get advice on how to improve your health.
D It takes place in a special clinic.
E It is cheaper this month.
SECTION 3 Questions 21 -30 Choose the correct letter, A, B or C.
Course Feedback
One reason why Spiros felt happy about his marketing presentation was that A he was not nervous.
B his style was good.
C the presentation was the best in his grou


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