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文档介绍:1 ability
the ability to do the capability of doing
be (un)able to do be capable of sth/doing
1 主语可以是物 2 可以加不好的事
Cf was able to do ( = managed to do = succeeded in doing sth)
enable sb to do
2 (ab)normal adj
n above normal below normal return to normal
Cf average adj 平均的; 典型,有代表性的
n above/below average on (the) average
against an average of … the average drivers
common adj 人人都有;到处可见 It’s common to have a mobile phone now
共同;共有 have …in common; common interest
ordinary adj
general adj 总的the general manager the general idea/outline
社会一般的the general public general knowledge
general election
generally speaking
in general VS in detail
usual adj
universal adj a universal truth/rule
a universal language/universal peace/donor(提供者)
topics of universal interest
n the universe Cf space
aboard adv prep
go aboard the ship
On board
abroad adv
go/study abroad; from home and abroad
5 absence n
one’s absence from in the absence of = for lack of
absent adj be absent from VS be present at
absorb vt
absorb light/water/heat/the training/what he says
(sb) be absorbed in sth/doing sth
7 accept vt Cf accept an invitation(邀请)
receive an invitation
Cf be accepted by all
be well/coldly/poorly received by
Cf be accepted by a company
be admitted to/into a company
(un)acceptable adj be acceptable to sb
access (u)n the access(道路) to the village
have (easy/no) access to the library
the Internet access
(in)accessible 易接近的 adj be ~ to
accident n Cf accident(事故)


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