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The world trade organization, on April 15, 1994 in Morocco, marla kashgar at the Uruguay round of gatt ministers decided to set up more global the world trade organization, to replace the gatt was established in 1947. The world trade organization (wto) is one of the contemporary the most important international economic organizations, has 160 member states, member countries trade amounted to 97% of the global total, is regarded as "economic United Nations".
According to the agreement establishing the world trade organization, the WTO's goal is: to produce a complete, more dynamic and permanent multilateral trading system, to consolidate the original gatt trade liberalization efforts and all the achievements of the Uruguay round of multilateral trade negotiations. WT0 approach is to realize the above goal: through negotiations on the basis of the principles of reciprocity and mutual benefit, in the form of agreement, agreement, etc, establishing a new international trade order, result in a substantial reduction in tariffs and other barriers to trade and international trade relations in the cancellation of the discriminatory treatment. WT0 with legal person qualification, its organizational structure by the council of ministers, the general council, the council, committee, the secretariat, trade dispute settlement body and trade policy review mechanism, etc. WTO through the


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