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文档介绍:-1--1- 本科毕业论文( 设计) 题目: 南岙溪水街景观设计姓名: xxx 班号: xxx 院(系): xxx 专业: xxx 指导教师:xxx 职称: xxx 评阅人: xxx 职称: xxx 2013 年6月-1- 本科生毕业论文( 设计) 原创性声明本人以信誉声明: 所呈交的毕业论文( 设计) 是在导师指导下进行的研究工作及取得的研究成果, 论文中引用他人的文献?数据?图件?资料均已明确标注出, 论文中的结论和结果为本人独立完成, 不包含他人成果及为获得中国地质大学或其他教育机构的学位或证书而使用过的材料?与我一同工作的同志对本研究所做的任何贡献均已在论文中作了明确的说明并表示了谢意?毕业论文作者(签字): 签字日期:年月日 i 摘要本次设计的题目是南岙村水景观设计, 主要以古典园林手法结合现代景观进行设计?南岙位于宁波市东钱湖下水村境内?此地景区气候温暖湿润?雨量充沛, 三面环山, 青溪穿村, 自然生态环境极佳, 区域条件优越?我们对于此地的设计, 主要有几个部分, 如对古代保护光揽古墙, 树影入水, 充分保留及运用中国传统园林艺术中的光影和水影倒映的流光溢彩?旧窗古门, 老宅古院景观化将富含历史信息的旧窗古门及木构老宅保留, 应用景观手法使之转换功能成为识别性强的景观标志物?水系是江南水乡的灵魂, 但本村水系宽窄一样, 无开合之节奏之美?所以设计弯曲的水景, 以自然形态呈现, 水体中设有条状自流喷泉, 暗藏灯管, 营造趣味的夜间景色?本次方案针对此地区的现状分析, 进行问题研究及解决, 从而使南岙溪水展现出她的美?本篇分别从对整个景观的把控, 以及各个节点的效果等进一步解释我的整个设计作品?关键词: 东湖下水村水景观设计古典园林现代风格 1 Abstract This design is entitled Nan Ao village water landscape design, mainly in the classical gardens bined with modern landscape design. Nan Ao is located in Ningbo City, East Lake Village in the water. Here scenic warm and humid climate, abundant rainfall, surrounded by mountains, Qingxi through the village, the natural ecological environment, excellent area in good condition. We are here to design, there are several parts, such as the protection of the ancient light embrace ancient wall, a tree into the water, sufficient retention and use of traditional Chinese garden art of light and shadow reflected on water Ambilight. Old window Old Gate, old house ancient homes of the rich historical information landscape of the old wooden doors and windows of ancient old house reservations, application landscape conversion techniques to make the landscape became strong identification markers. River is the soul of the Yangtze River Delta, but the width of the village, like water, without opening and closing of the rhythm of the United States. So bent waterscape design, presented ina natural form, a strip of artesian water fountain, hidden tube, creating interesting nighttime views. The program analyzes the status quo for this region, examining prob