文档介绍:Poverty Alleviation and Rural Women Literacy ——On Value of Literacy消 除 贫 困 与 农 村 妇 女 扫 盲——兼论扫盲教育的价值
Lai Li 赖 立
中央教育科学研究所*成人教育研究中心 Center of Adult EducationChina National Institute for Educational Research
The importance of the question of women in poverty
alleviation. 在消除贫困中,妇女问题的重要性
The impact of poverty culture on the women’s personality,
mentality and impetus of learning.
Away from the misunderstanding of eliminating illiteracy,
promoting the overall development of rural women.
Case one: A series of poverty alleviation program for women.
Case two: Extension of household management program for women.
贫困的女性化 Feminization of PovertyThe global: Women accounted for 70% of billion poor populations.China: Women accounted for about 60% of current poor populations.低文化人群女性化 Groups of People with Lower Level of Literacy Tend to be WomenThe global : Women accounted for 70% of one billion illiterates.China: Women accounted for 76% of the world’s illiterates. 农业的女性化 Feminization of AgricultureChina: Rural women seriously lag behind in the process of transfer of non-agriculture industries, shifting from men plowing the fields and women weaving to men working and women plowing the fields. Rural women undertake 70% of agricultural labor and 90% of household chores.
Serious facts that can not be ignored 不容忽视的严重事实
Poor Living Environment Influences Women’s Personality and Mentality 贫困的生活环境影响妇女个性心理
Key Words
Being sick of learning
厌 学
Sense of inferiority
自 卑
闭 锁
  依 附
As an intellectual aid-the-poor program, one of its main tasks of El