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文档介绍:第九章两因素及多因素方差分析 双菊饮具有很好的治疗上呼吸道感染的功效,为便于饮用,制成泡袋剂。研究不同浸泡时间和不同的浸泡温度对浸泡效果的影响, 设计了一个两因素交叉分组实验, 实验结果( 浸出率) 见下表[52] : 浸泡温度/℃浸泡时间/min 10 15 20 60 80 95 对以上结果做方差分析及 Duncan 检验。该设计已经能充分说明问题了吗?是否还有更能说明问题的设计方案? 答: 无重复二因素方差分析程序及结果如下: options linesize=76 nodate; data hermed; do temp=1 to 3; do time=1 to 3; input effect @@; output; end; end; cards; ; run; proc anova; class temp time; model effect=temp time; means temp time/duncan alpha=; run; The SAS System Analysis of Variance Procedure Class Level Information Class Levels Values TEMP 3123 TIME 3123 Number of observations in data set =9 The SAS System Analysis of Variance Procedure Dependent Variable: EFFECT Sum of Mean Source DF Squares Square F Value Pr>F Model 4 Error 4 Corrected Total 8 R-Square . Root MSE EFFECT Mean Source DF Anova SS Mean Square F Value Pr>F TEMP 2 TIME 2 The SAS System Analysis of Variance Procedure Duncan's Multiple Range Test for variable: EFFECT NOTE: This test controls the type parisonwise error rate, not the experimentwise error rate Alpha= df= 4 MSE= Number of Means 23 Critical Range Means with the same let