30 4 o 30 No. 卷第 期 计 算 机 应 用 研 究 2013 4 Application Research of ComputersApr. 2013年 月
* Renyi熵阈值分割算法
( ) ,401331重庆大学 数学与统计学院重庆
: Renyi ,摘 要针对三维 熵阈值算法的高计算复杂性及抗噪性差的问题提出一种基于三维直方图重建和降维
Renyi 。,,的 熵阈值分割算法该方法通过重建三维直方图将三维直方图区域划分由八分法改为二分法不仅减 6 ,O( L) O( L) 。,,,弱了噪声干扰而且计算复杂度也由 降到 实验结果表明该算法抗噪性更强分割效果更好计算
Renyi 。时间也远低于传统三维 熵算法
: ; ; Renyi ; 关键词图像分割阈值选取熵三维直方图
: TP391; TP301. 6: A: 1001-3695( 2013) 04-1223-03中图分类号文献标志码文章编号
doi: 10, 3969 / j, issn, 1001-3695, 2013, 04, 071
Renyi entropy thresholding algorithm based on rebuilding and
dimension reduction of 3D histogram
WANG Fe-fe,GONG Qu,N Ln,LAO Wu-zhong iiIiI
( College of Mathematics , Statistics,Chongqing University,Chongqing 401331,China)
Abstract: According to the high computational complexity and poor anti-noise performance of classical 3D Renyi entropicalthreshodng,ths paper proposed a new 3D Reny entropy mage threshodng method, Ths method rebut the 3D hstogram liiiiliiiliand transfered there gion in 3D histogram from eight partitions into two partitions,which not only reduced the noise interfe- 6 rence but also lowered the computational complexity from O( L) to O( L) , Th e results show that the presented methohasd better
ant-nose performance and vsua quaty,and ower tme compexty compared wth orgna 3D Reny entropys method, iiillililiiiili’
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