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文档介绍:3-F Woman- Michelle Obama
07571406 zhiyin
Why does she win the respect of Americans?
The secret is about 3Fs.
1. Family
2. Food
3. Fashion
Family-Child is the Center
Basically, she wakes up at 4:30 everyday and prepares breakfast for her husband and two daughters. Do some cleaning. She likes to do sth efficiently in perfect form.
Food- Fresh Vegetable
She pays attention to healthy food. Especially the fresh vegetables. She even grows vegetables in back yard garden of The White House.
She gave out free food to this city’s homeless at Miriam’s Kitchen. she seized the moment to urge Americans to provide fresh, unprocessed and locally grown foods to their families and to the neediest in their communities.
She said “we want to make sure our guests here and across the nation are eating nutritious items” . “We can provide this kind of healthy food for communities across the country, and we can do it by each of us lending a hand.”
Fashion- “平民女王”
Michelle is the second fashionable first lady of US after Jacqueline Kennedy
She has her own style of dressing and she likes international second-tier brands or new designers.
she understood the power of clothes to transmit a message
Mrs. Obama signaled an interest both in looking stylish and also in advancing the cause of American fashion and those who design and make it.
Designers Praise Her
“Mrs. Obama is very elegant and has wonderful taste.” -Stephanie Solomon, the fashion director of Bloomingdale’s.
“What the first lady wears has a lot of effect on the industry, is seen every day in some form of media, and what she looks like is copied by other women”- Arnold Scaasi(最具声望的高级定制女装设计师之一)
 “She’s like 25 years younger than the last few first ladies, and her age opens her up to a more youthful approach” - Anna Sui