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文档介绍:北京工业大学耿丹学院毕业设计(论文) 题目: 国际建筑工程总承包项目的合同管理姓名吴嘉辉系名经济与管理系专业工程管理学号 10030 0115 指导教师树玉秀日期 诚信承诺本人声明, 本论文及其研究工作是由本人在导师指导下独立完成, 论文所利用的一切资料均符合论文著作要求,且在参考文献中列出。签名: 日期: 摘要 I 摘要在改革开放之后,我国经济迎来了迅速的发展。特别是在建筑工程行业,我国相比之前有了翻天覆地的变化。在经济全球化的大背景下,越来越多的建筑工程企业走出国门,参与国际竞争。因此,国际建筑工程成为我国大型建筑企业在发展过程中不得不重视的重要方面。国际总承包项目是一个复杂的大系统, 涉及面广, 建设周期长, 各项目都有不同的特点, 也有很多项目管理模式和合同模式, 而合同管理则是项目管理的核心, 它贯穿于整个总承包项目管理的全过程, 合同管理的好坏将直接关系到项目的成败。论文的创新点在于:一是国际建筑工程总承包项目的合同管理管理属于前沿理论研究范畴,本文研究具有开拓性。二是运用了多种研究方法,包括文献研究法、分析比较法等。三是对国际建筑工程总承包项目合过程中的合同管理进行了系统的理论研究,提出在传统工程项目管理目标的基础上,增加国际视野,前沿模版的目标,同时借鉴国内外各类国际工程中的优秀经验。四是由此形成的结论简明易懂,更有说服力以及可行性。关键词: 建设工程;项目管理;绿色管理 A bstract II Abstract In today's society, with the concept of sustainable development and the popularization, green management project more attention. In engineering construction, enterprises in the pursuit of economic interests, often at the expense of the social benefit and environmental benefit. In this way, not only caused a great waste of resources, but also caused serious pollution to the environment. Green engineering project management, asa new management concept, can effectively ease the situation. The green building industry includes two meanings, green and green management of construction products. This paper mainly from the three part of the green engineering project management research: first, in the base of enterprise green management, put forward the concept of green engineering project management and the results pared with the project mon; secondly, from the point of view of project life cycle perspective, analysis of the green engineering project management at the design stage, construction stage the use of stage, and demolition stage of the specific measures, methods and assurance measures; finally, from the macroscopic angle proposed the implementation of measures and the feasibility of green engineering project management advice. The innovation of this paper lies in:one is the project green management belongs to the frontier of theory study, t