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文档介绍:Structure and Vocabulary句型和词汇
B1. Last week the writer went to the theatre He was the theatre
(a) to (b) at (c) into (d) on
D2. The young man and young woman were sitting behind him He was sitting ______them
(a) before (b) above (c) ahead of (d) in front of
C3. did the writer feel? Angry
(a) Where (b) Why (c) H3w (d) When
A4. He looked at the man and the woman angrily He looked at angrily
(a) them (b) they (c) their (d) us
D5. The young man and the young woman paid attention to the writer
(a) none (b) any (c) not any (d) no
B6. He had a good seat He was sitting in a good
(a) chair (b) place (c) armchair (d) class
A7. He was a young man He wasn't very
(a) old (b) big (c) tall (d) large
C8. The writer looked at the man and the woman angrily He was very
(a) sad (b) unhappy (c) cross (d) pleased
C9. The writer could not bear it He could not it
(a) carry (b) suffer (c) stand (d) lift
C10. The young man spoke rudely He wasn't very
(a) clever (b) rude (c) polite (d) kind
C11.He sometimes in bed until lunchtime
(a) stay (b) is staying (c) stays (d) staying
C12. He stayed in bed until lunchtime He went bed late last night
(a) in (b) into (c) to (d) at
A13. He doesn't get up early on Sundays He gets up
(a) late (b) lately (c) slowly (d) hardly
B14. did Aunt Lucy come? By train
(a) When (b) How (c) Why (d) Where
B15. The writer can't see Aunt Lucy He's having breakfast


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