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A+Frame+work+of+Opportunities:+ + + of +帧工作机会.pdf

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A+Frame+work+of+Opportunities:+ + + of +帧工作机会.pdf

上传人:小泥巴 2016/5/7 文件大小:0 KB


A+Frame+work+of+Opportunities:+ + + of +帧工作机会.pdf



文档介绍:China Report ChinAfrica : What role can o play in the Silk Road Economic Belt and 21st Cen - tury Maritime Silk Road Initiative (Belt and Road Initiative) proposed by the Chinese Government? Jaafar Alj Hakim: The Belt and Road Initiative is the ambitious vision of a wise head of state. It is aimed at fostering cooperation along the histori - cal Silk Road and maritime routes. Given the scale of the initiative, with the maritime part spanning three continents, the potential e is promis - ing. The Belt and Road Initiative heralds a new era of cooperation that will benefit all. o em - braces the initiative fully and is optimistic about it. o has strategic depth in West Africa, built on historical, cultural and religious relations. It can play a key role in linking [West African] countries to the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road and open new opportunities in the fast-growing economies of West Africa. The Belt and Road Initiative will bring count - less opportunities to an economy, that’s for sure. o and China mitted to a strategic partnership, and the initiative will defi - nitely boost that framework, both economically and socially. Since the launch of the Green o Plan in 2008, o’s agriculture has report - edly developed at around percent. With China promoting cooperation with Africa in agricultural modernization, what can China and o do to promote mutual


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